Re-covered Chairs

My mom graciously helped me cover our breakfast table chairs. Or I should say I helped my mom cover the chairs. Really she did most of the work. I just held the fabric or the cushion while she did her thing.  I love the way they turned out and am so glad to be done with that ugly grandma-looking fabric we’ve had on there the last few years.  I also love how the chevron and the print on the curtains really play off each other.

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Look past Jack, our Elf, and you can see the old fabric in this pic below.


Oh Christmas Tree

Seems I never got around to posting pics of our new, decorated tree. I finally convinced David we needed a 12’ tree over the puny little 6’ tree we had from our last house. The 6’ tree worked great in our last house, but we didn’t have 20’ ceilings so a 6’ tree in our new living room seemed weird.  The tree branches at the bottom hang so low we ended up putting the tree up on cinder blocks so we could have room to put presents under the tree.  So, the 12’ tree is now more like a 13’ tree.  I love it!



Another project I managed to finish this season was the charger counting down till Christmas.  This was actually something my mom found on Pinterest and I thought it was so cute and simple so I copied the idea.  You simply paint the center of a charger plate with chalkboard paint and let it dry.  Then decorate and/or write whatever you want on it.  It would be cute on different colored charger plates for multiple holidays or events you may be counting down to.